Sunday, December 16, 2012


Another tragic mass shooting event occurred this past Friday.  This one occurred at  Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.  I am watching President Obama on TV speak at the Memorial Service for the twenty-six victims (it is his fourth mass shooting memorial of his Presidency). I don't want to explain myself again to any concerned family and friends about our "crazy" idea of retiring to Panama. Dangerous Panama. I can't convince anyone to change their minds and thoughts.  Right now I worry about my daughter everyday staying safe when going to night classes or even just meeting friends for dinner;  she is also getting ready to embark on a teaching career next fall.  I worry about my sister that is surrounded by mentally ill parents that abuse and neglect their children and threaten to "stomp her (my sister) on the head", and even Ray who has worked with his share of troubled "no longer employed" employees.  

In just this year alone, there have been four major shooting events in the United States (not to mention, and let's not forget, Columbine, Virginia Tech or Congresswoman Gifford).  

Seven Die in California School Shooting (Apr. 2)

Twelve Killed in Colorado Theater Shooting (July 20)

Six People Are Killed in Wisconsin Sikh Temple Shooting (Aug. 5)

Gunman Kills 26 at Elementary School (Dec. 14)

And in Panama, I know there is crime.  I read about it in by Don Winner (Panama Guide is the #1 English Language web site about the Republic of Panama).  I haven't read about mass shootings.  More like drug related crimes where one person is shot many times (I wish they didn't show the pictures though!). Or the following headlines from 2012: Expat millionaire murdered.  On the trail of a murderer in Chiriqui.  Body of a man found.  Body of a young woman found.  Man escapes kidnappers.  Police sergeant kills his wife and another man.  Bomb threat of Supreme Court building.

There were more drownings, fires, car accidents and deaths due to mudslides.  So I won't swim in a riptide or even go swimming when I am told not to go into the water, I hope not to live in a wooden structure that will burn down, I can't avoid the fate of a car accident but I will try hard not to drive in Panama City, and hopefully when the rains won't let up, my house won't slide down a hill.  Here's dreaming of a safe, warm and friendly environment in Panama that I will call home someday and that my friends and family will find safe, warm and inviting to visit and feel comfortable in knowing that we have made the right decision for us.


1 comment:

  1. We feel very safe here. There is crime anywhere of course, but with a bit of common sense you should as safe as you are in the US, maybe more so. Houses in our area are concrete block with tin roofs, not much to burn. I've seen far fewer car accidents than I saw in Florida even though there is plenty of traffic congestion. I think you'll be fine :)
