Sunday, January 13, 2013


Early last week while scaling a patient's teeth (this is the action performed when removing calculus aka tartar but not called scraping or picking ever by me, just the patients), I was mindlessly daydreaming.  As usual.  A few of my daydreams usually incorporate visions of my next trip to Panama, my retirement to Panama, and/or my last days of working/scaling.  These are mixed in there with "I wonder what Carly is up to today at school" or "what will Ray and I do this weekend" or "I can't wait for the day to be over, and the weekend can't get here fast enough".  Carly's 21st birthday is this week.  She has been able to enjoy the BIG birthdays (18 and 21 in particular) at the start of a new college semester, this one being no exception.  She does have plans for the big night.  But I knew there was something out there other than dinner that the three of us could do on her last weekend home after her winter break and to celebrate her birthday, albeit early.  Ideas that formed involved driving within a few hours to Baltimore, Richmond, Philadelphia or Cape May.  I have been to Cape May for girls weekend, but they had not seen this city.  Cape May has been around since the 1850's.  Many vacationers from Philadelphia would drive to this beach for summertime fun, and it is recognized as the country's oldest seaside resort.  Along with this, for Ray's enjoyment, I thought an overnight stay in Atlantic City would be enjoyable.  We could have Carly find an amazing restaurant (which she did) to have dinner at, enjoy wonderful treats or cake in celebration of her (checked that off, too), and the three of us could kick her birthday week and  the new year off in great celebratory fashion!

Birthday girl!

Our view from Caesars Palace and the Atlantic Ocean

Daddy and his daughter out for tapas and Sangria!

The oldest roadside attraction, Lucy the Elephant, can be found in Atlantic City, NJ.

One of the more elegant of the B & B's, Angel of the Sea, in Cape May, NJ.

The bell of the S.S. Cape May (1943-69) is at the entrance to Washington Street Mall ( seaside shops and restaurants)

Momma and Carly at the start of the water show (The Piers, Caesars Palace)
I had emailed Ray my daydream.  Carly didn't have a clue until Tuesday night.  And both were on board.  Both wanted to take the trip.  It was a longer drive than I originally had planned (five hours), but an easy enough trip up the highway. This was a wonderful way to finish Carly's winter break.  This was a fantastic send off for her final semester of college before she starts working.  This would be the last trip the three of us take for a while.  I am unsure of where we will travel to and when that will happen, since she has to job search and will start a new life.

  Ray did have a point in that we know she is going to have to go to Panama with us before we retire there.  This trip will get planned eventually--trouble is she will be a new teacher, and we will  be working around her work schedule.  I do not want her first trip to be in the hot months of the rainy season.  Perhaps it will be during a winter break?    And then, while living in Panama, I can think of gardening, sitting in my hammock, laying on the beach, exercising (haha), internet surfing/facebook stalking,  to be my mindless tasks which will allow me to daydream. Although then, our jaunts with her can be to spunky and spirited countries such as Costa Rica, Ecuador and Argentina!


  1. It sounds like you all had a good time!
    Rainy season isn't as bad as it sounds. Mornings are beautiful. It clouds up in the afternoon and rains in the late afternoon, and usually clears up again in the evening. Days are actually hotter in the dry season and I miss the cooling afternoon rains. (this is David anyway, YMMV)

  2. I have heard that a lot, Kris. That many people prefer the afternoon rains (good time to read a book and nap)--be active first of the day and unwind, rest and relax in the end.
