Friday, May 2, 2014


Email just came in this week that we have been approved for our Pensionado Visa!  Okay, what this actually means is that we have to go into the Migrations Office within a year or we will be fined, show them our temporary card and passport and one day later we should have that hot little permanent card that states "indefinito" on it!  AWESOME!  Fantastic lawyers I must say!  So on August 3rd we will land in Panama City, hang out until the next day in some hotel, meet with our attorneys the next day (This is still to be confirmed.  Is August 4th a holiday?  NOPE, there are no holidays as of this writing in August haha), and we will be driven to the office again to get the job done!  So psyched!
Maybe Ray won't have such a cone head in his permanent picture!
Tomorrow our friends, Clyde and Terry, meet with an owner of a rental house in Chame.  Let's see if we have a place to live soon, too.  Stay tuned!  Getting better and better by the day!  Oh, and the Visa took approximately 3 1/2 months from Day One in January.
Vacation tomorrow, a little Cinco de Mayo thrown in there, my birthday, and Mother's Day--so many reasons to celebrate!