Friday, January 3, 2014


We hit a cold snap today!  Nor'easter  Hercules first storm of 2014 went up the coast overnight.  While it did greater damage for many other states, here it snowed one inch.  It didn't quite shut the place down this time.  The Federal Government stayed open, but schools did close (after opening back up yesterday from winter break).  My day off.  Fortunately, everyone must have been all shopped out from the last few holiday weeks, so my errands were painless today.  No one got in my way today.  Just a little bit of snow, ice and 40-50 mph gusting winds tried to stop me.  Not that I had that much to do.  I did get the cashiers check for the Attorney we are meeting in Panama next week.  I did seek another realtor's advice on the sale of my house.  And I found things  Clyde and Terry (our friends in Panama) had asked me to look for and bring if I could to them.  Carly was on her way home from visiting friends in Richmond (about 75 miles south of here) and stopped by.  Always so good to see her.  More great conversation catching up. She has had a very fulfilling Christmas break and heads back to work Monday.  Tonight was the last time we will see her before we leave for Panama, and while she is still 21 years old.  Her 22nd birthday is the day we come home.  Our beautiful baby girl is growing up.

In a little more than a week, Ray and I are traveling to Panama to submit our application for Pensionado visa.  I will go from this..............

to this...............

1 comment:

  1. Eeeesh, I'm cold just looking at your photos! It's 80 degrees here at 5PM, and I'm outside watching the birds. Good luck on your trip! If you come to our neck of the woods let me know.
