Sunday, October 28, 2012


Woke up Tuesday with my sister needing to see el doctoro.  She still wasn't feeling well (had some sort of respiratory virus, and the pressure was building in her chest).  We went to San Fernando Clinic (hey, why not?  Need to learn about everything Panamanian).  There was a woman sitting at the desk giving out her information to the receptionist and there was another woman listing all of her ailments and woes to a man in the small lobby.  We knew we all had medical "tourist" insurance, and we were curious how it would go about being used.  We couldn't figure out what it would cost from the sign because one exam was $15 and another listed it as $50.  We never did find out.  She didn't want to wait in the line (especially since the one woman seemed to have many troubles/issues), so we stepped into the pharmacy.  The pharmacist spoke zero, zip, no English.  We did get our point across that she had "verde mucosa" and "precion en pecho" (green mucous and pressure in her chest).  He gave her a bottle of cough syrup with decongestant and Guiafenisin in it for her cough.  It was $4.50.  This is something you can buy at the grocery store at the pharmacy counter, but there it was $5.60.  Going back to our first trip to El Rey on Saturday night, she told the pharmacist she had a very bad sore throat.  She was given lozenges for $1.50.  We googled the medicine and it showed it was for laryngitis and sore throats.  Since the Sudafed I had wasn't working or the lozenges, it only made sense to try the cough syrup.

Since Ray and I had plans to visit with Clyde and Terry at their house in Chame (after meeting them for lunch), Eric and my sister chose to stay behind.  Their plans included spending time at the shopping center, getting lunch, going to the casino, shopping and doing anything they wanted.  Weeks ago I had daydreamt they would take the hotel shuttle, but since that was no longer an option, we talked about them getting a cab.  We were going to drop them off on our way out of Coronado, and then they could get a taxi back.  My sister laid down for a nap, and she woke up seven hours later.  Eric spent his day at the gym, at the pool that had been drained (there was another one but then it was raining), on his computer and in the sauna.  The "nap" was what my sister needed.

Ray and I set off to visit with our friends.  First we stopped at the realty office to meet Leslie (she knew we were coming).  Leslie was at her office in Altos del Marie for the day.  Since she works out of her home, we were supposed to call her when we were stopping by.  Oh well, it's Panama.  Things either happen or they don't.  We did meet two of her co-workers and chatted a while.  We won't be able to use them though because they don't sell real estate in El Valle.  Now it was time to find the restaurant El Palmero in Chame.  I re-wrote the directions given to me by Clyde in an email, re-wrote them wrong and memorized them differently.  I had Ray in Punta Chame and then in the neighborhood of Chame, before we backtracked again to Gorgona (we are NEVER late) and started again.  There was the restaurant.  There were Clyde and Terry in their car out front waiting (it was 12:01, and we thought we would be super early since we started looking at 11:25), and what do you know--the restaurant was closed.  Have a back up plan in Panama.  So we went to Gorgona for Chinese food.  Ray ordered what I ordered which was Cantonese-style chicken and fried rice.  It was very, very good!  Had more really good conversation with Clyde and Terry and now they really knew it was safe to show us their fabulous home!

Clyde and Terry live in a neighborhood in Chame immersed with the Panamanians.  They have a large lot with many fruit trees and flowering shrubs that Clyde has done a fantastic job maintaining.  Terry has been super crafty with her painting.  She can paint anything.  I especially love the old toilet seat she painted and hung in the bohio and the septic tank cover that says Clyde loves Terry the way we used to write it out when we were little.    :)  After the tour of the yard and the house and seeing the projects they have ahead of them and have accomplished (read their blog ""), we sat under their covered porch for hours.  Clyde made us a Ron Abuelo rum and coke and grilled arrepas.  SO GOOD!  They are a wealth of information, they want to help and give advice, and dish out the good, bad and ugly of Panama.  They have been wonderful virtual friends and are now true friends to me.  And if they come to the DC area, we told them to hang out with us in our exciting town of Stafford!  Then once Ray and I are in Panama, we can all hang out under a covered porch or on one of the beaches somewhere.
Clyde starts prepping the arrepas.

For me?  Yummy!

Clyde gives directions to Ray for when we drive to the Canal.

Retirees, Clyde and Terry Coles

Me joining in!

Once we said our goodbyes, we made the quick fifteen minute trip back to the condo where my sister and Eric were dressed and ready to have us meet them at Cholos.  We had told them we would be back by 5:30, but alas, it was 5:35.  Fortunately we caught them before they caught a cab.  Cholos was closed.  Only to open on the weekends.  We went to Pantay which was in the neighborhood.  This time we sat in an enclosed part of the restaurant with ceiling fans.  We were earlier than the others, so service was good for us.  But then, with one waitress, it went downhill for some people.  One couple left since they weren't given menus for five or ten minutes after their arrival.  We had four entrees and an appetizer--$50.  I had delicious pantacones and chicken with tamarind sauce (wanted to try this sauce).  Our meal was served all together which is a plus in Panama.  We didn't love the nachos.  They were tasty but didn't present well.

We found a casino on Ave Roberto Eisenman road.  Ray, as usual, won.  His $5 took him to winning $85.  All of the slots at the three casinos in Panama are penny slots.  His winnings were our dinner :)  Once back at the condo, we had some rum and coke, ice cream and cookies.  We kept trying to get Frozen Yogurt at the place in Coronado Mall, but it was never open when we tried.  So we bought ice cream from the store.  And the usual happened that night, bed by ten with Eric staying up later than all of us!  Oh to be 22 again!

We certainly didn't buy Breyers for $7.85.
Ray splurged on Coca-Cola Zero, but the rum was $6.

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