Monday, May 7, 2012

BEING BRAVE (because "it could really happen then!")

I have decided to just be brave (I mean, I did just turn a year older), comment on some blogs I "stalk" (which is a lot like Facebook Stalking so I have a lot of practice with this), and ask questions about blogging etiquette.  Incredible making friends with Gringos in Panama!  Another thing I love about Panama (keep adding things to the list) is that, this is a biggie, it's still pretty close to my time zone here in VA.  Panama is one hour behind me, but what I loved last night is that after posting to a blog that I follow (, the writer Facebook chatted with me, and it wasn't past either one or our bedtimes.  My husband asked "are you Facebook chatting right now".  Yep.  This technology still amazes me.  And what a lot of help Stephanie gave me in that chat, too.  (She and her husband own a restaurant called "Pacos Mexican Restaurant" that is on our go-to list when we visit and eventually move to Panama!). Then I told Ray in one of my morning emails to him before work, "I am going to be a bit braver now and post my blog on my Facebook page (in the "about me" section).  And  tonight I get a great email from Clyde (who writes Along the Gringo Trail/ his wife, Terry, does, and he adds to it) who also assured me to just ask lots of questions along the way, and when I told Ray that, his comment was "OMG.  This could really happen then!".  Yep.  That's the plan.  For today.  Like I said, when I do something, I do it.  I get it done.

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