Wednesday, May 9, 2012

UP 4% AND OUT $240,000

Melissa Gilbert was one of the one's sent home on "Dancing with the Stars" last night.  I haven't seen the show in years, but this was one of the blurbs of news I caught while getting ready for work today.  The other blurb of news that I caught, which really annoyed me to no end, is that a retired couple this year is now spending 4% more of his savings on health insurance than last year which today amounts to $240,000 that will be paid out in their lifetime.  And this is today.  What the heck will I be paying out if I decide to retire in the States in, oh let's say, eight years or so?  Will I be here to find out?  I really don't want a huge chunk of my retirement ($10,000+ a year for us multiplied by thirty + years--I hope!?) spent this way.  Maybe I have the numbers drastically wrong, maybe the laws will change, and it won't be so difficult and expensive to get covered, and maybe I just have so much more to learn.

 This I do know--we are now planning to go to Panama this fall when it will be rainy, it will be fast paced, we will drive on crazy, unknown roads in an unknown country, but we will make it an amazing trip. And one of two things will happen after this trip: we will come back with more determination to turn our dream into reality OR it will scare the heck out of us and it's back to Plan A (now if only I could remember what Plan A has been all along).

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