Saturday, May 5, 2012

ENLIGHTENED MOMENT (from a popular TV show!)

While doing the most normal thing Americans can do which is yes watching tv (and no, it wasn't the Caps playing the Rangers--but woo hoo, the Caps won today!), I caught up on a show called "The Middle" using my fantastic DVR (do they have these in Panama? And how much tv will I be watching?). I was enlightened!
This show is about Frankie, a working-class mom married to Mike and their three kids living in a small town in Indiana.  In this episode, Mike was yelling at Frankie about a new bed they had bought and his comment just stuck with me.  This is what he yelled out at her:  "You've got a million plans to make things better, but they don't last.  Open your eyes.  It's not getting any better.  This is it!"  I sat there and thought 'jeez, I hope this whole Panama thing isn't the quest to make things better because we have things really great right now', and then I thought about the second half of his phrase and thought, 'no, it's more like we are looking for even better!  That this, as we know it, isn't it!  There is so much more and if we can do it (retire early and to Panama) why the heck shouldn't we be able to do it!?  Why shouldn't we be able to find better and realize that what we have now, all the wonderful things we have now isn't really IT just yet.  We have only scratched the surface of what IT will be for us'!  Not to say that all things will be better all the time in Panama, let's not kid ourselves, but why not mix it up a bit and go more rocky road than vanilla soon?  And definitely, let's all look to television to be the reason why we would make those life altering decisions and changes :)

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